Through giving of our time, talents and resources we are striving to inspire hope into the hearts of our most valuable resource, our children.

Everyone Deserves To Be Celebrated

“Our hope is that they know people care,  they’re special, valued and not their circumstances.”

Compassionate Projects

     Support and Services

Our Compassionate Projects are the tools we use to provide support and services to children and youth in the community.  We collaborate with our partners to increase opportunities for positive childhood experiences for children experiencing childhood trauma. Our hope is a brighter future for the children we serve.

Children Served

We Care Packs

We Care Packs are individual gift bags designed and created for all ages and occasions from promoting self-care, encouraging respect for others, celebrating holidays, birthdays and summer fun in a safe environment. Our hope is to create smiles.


We Care Packs Provided

           Sweet Treats

       and Snack Packs

We provide pre-packed treats for birthday and holiday celebrations as well as prepackaged snack packs for our community partners to have available for children/youth who may be experiencing hunger. Our hope is for children/youth to know their community cares.


Sweet Treats & Snack Packs

Community Love for CPKC

CPKC wishes to say “Thank You!” for recognizing our efforts to support the “CHILDREN” of domestic violence.

Award and Honors

2020   Donald D. Sewing Prestigious Service Award
             Angela Hobson   
2019   Black Man of Distinction
             Howard Hamilton
2019   Black Woman of Distinction
            Angela Hobson
2018   Mary Ann Flunder/Castina Cooper Dedicated Service Award
            Angela Hobson
2017   Rosalyn Brown and Betty Taliafarro Service Award
            Angela Hobson

CPKC Contact:
P.O. Box 171763
Kansas City, Kansas   66117


National Runaway Safeline:
1-800-RUNAWAY (1-800-786-2929) 
Suicide & Crisis Lifeline:   
Aunt Bertha Online Social Care Network: